School Communications
Statement of Intent |
1000 |
Visiting School |
1010 |
Citizen Communication to the Board of Education
1020 |
Parent/Patron Comment Forms |
1030 |
Parent/Patron Comment Form
1030a |
Annual Report and School Improvement
1040 |
Public Access to School Records |
1050 |
Form for Denial of Access to Records |
Regulation 1050A |
Form for Explanation of Delay in Fulfilling Request for Records |
Regulation 1050B |
Advertising and Promotion |
1060 |
Publications, Radio, and Television |
1070 |
School Directory |
1080 |
Community Use of School Facilities |
Community Use of School Facilities |
1100 |
Use of School Facilities: Student Groups and Boy Scouts |
1101 |
Recording of Others |
1102 |
Bulletin Boards, Display Case and Posted Materials |
1110 |
Tobacco Policy |
1120 |
Anti-Discrimination Policies |
Anti-Discrimination, Designation of Coordinator and Grievance Policy |
1200 |
Title IX-Discrimination |
1210 |
Title IX - Procedure for Complaints of Sexual Harassment |
1211 |
Title IX Procedure for Informal/Formal Hearing |
1220 |
Form for Filing Complaints |
Regulation 1220 |
ADA and Section 504 Grievance Procedure |
1240 |
ADA-Designation of Coordinator |
1250 |
Service Animals |
1260 |
Fund Raising and Gifts |
Fund Raising Activities |
1300 |
Gifts to the School District |
1310 |
School and Community Organizations |
1400 |
Parent Organizations |
1410 |
Citizens' Advisory Committees |
1420 |
Utilizing Community Resources |
1430 |
Staff Participation in Community Affairs |
1440 |
School Personnel and the Public |
1450 |
Student Production of Goods and Services |
1460 |
Public Performances by Students