6000 Series - Instruction

General Policy Statement  6000 
Scope of Instructional Program  6010 
The Program of Instruction  6020
School Instructional Hours  6110 
School Day for Students  6112 
Emergencies  6114 
Fire Drills, Emergency Plans  6115 
Emergency Dismissal or Cancellation  6116 
Ceremonies, Observances, and the Pledge of Allegiance  6117 
Safe Schools Policy  6120 
Curriculum Review Cycle  6121 
Objectives of the Instructional Program  6200 
Curriculum - Development and Adoption  6210 
Curriculum - Assessments  6211 
Assessments—Academic Content Standards – Adopt State Standards  6212 
Reading Instruction and Improvement  6213 
Assessment Security  6214 
Experimental/Innovative Program  6220 
Curriculum Guides  6230 
Homework  6240 
Purpose of Homework  6241 
Guidance  6260 
Field Trips  6270 
Activities  6280 
Activity Funds Management  6281 
School Colors  6282 
Concussions  6283 
Return to Learn Protocol  6283a
NDE Bridging the Gap February 2014/Appendix February 2014  6283b - c 
Initiations, Hazing, Secret Clubs and Outside Organizations  6284
Student Participation in Athletic Contests Between Schools  6285 
Return to Learn After Cancer  6286 
Dedications and Commencement  6290 
Selection and Review of Instructional and Media Materials  6300 
Textbook Loans  6310 
Parent Requests for Exclusion  6320 
Recognition of Religious Beliefs and Customs  6360 
Acknowledgment of Religious Holidays  6361 
Religion in the Curriculum  6362 
Purpose of Religion in the Curriculum  6363 
Multicultural Education  6370 
Equal Opportunity: Instruction Program  6380 
Controversial Issues  6390 
Controversial Issues in the Classroom  6391 
Parental/Community Involvement in Schools  6400 
Title I Parental and Family Involvement  6410 
Free and Reduced Price Meals  6500
Special Education Policies and Regulations  6600
Firearm Policy  6700 
Computer—Internet Safety and Acceptable Use Policy  6800 
Chronic Infectious Disease Practice and Procedure  6900 
Dispensing Medications  6910 
Student Self-Management of Asthma, Anaphylaxis, and/or Diabetes  6920 
Asthma or Anaphylaxis Medical Management Plan   
Diabetes Medical Management Plan